Confusió entre Yuste, S. Yuste, San Yuste, San Giusto, S. Just

Sempre hem sentit dir que Carles I es va retirar al Monestir de Yuste (Extremadura). Aleshores, com és que trobem documents que, en lloc de Yuste, transcriuen el monestir com ‘S. Yuste’, ‘San Yuste’, ‘San Giusto’ o ‘S. Just’? Nou article d’en Cesc Garrido que complementa l’anterior.

Carles I, pintat per Filippo Ariosto

Mentre cercava dades històriques sobre el port de Palamós fent ús de la xarxa, de sobte em van aparèixer diferents dades que relacionaven Carles V amb aquest port. Vaig pensar que fóra bo concentrar-me una mica en la figura de Carles V i em va sorprendre trobar una sèrie de documents que no m’encaixaven, perquè a mi a l’escola m’havien dit que Carles V s’havia retirat a “YUSTE”, però no a “SAN YUSTE”, “S. YUSTE”, “SAN GIUSTO”, o “S. JUST”.  Vegem, doncs, els documents:

Primer document: parla de ‘S. Yuste’ [1]
“The Flemings who accompanied the Emperor to Spain are returning (from what they write to their relations), having been dismissed by his Majesty at a village [Jarandilla?] where he had stopped, distant two leagues from the monastery of S. Yuste, he retaining only 14 persons in his service (fn. 9) (tenendo seco quatordici sole persone); and according to the French ambassador his Majesty had been very angry with its friars, because when they came to receive him they said they returned many thanks to the Lord God, for that he had willed to go and end his days with them, the ambassador saying he answered them, that although his mind was entirely inclined towards the service of God, he had nevertheless not determined to stay more than a year or two in that monastery, in order to lead a quiet life, and on account of the salubrity of the climate in that neighbourhood, should he find it such as it had been represented to him, but that according to fresh reports then received he had heard the contrary.”

Segon document: ‘Monastery of San Yuste (San Giusto)’ a Plasencia. 'San Giusto' en italià és S. Just [2]

Tercer document: una explicació històrica on es parla de ‘San Yuste’ [3]

Quart document: una nota a peu de pàgina on es confon ‘Yuste’ amb ‘S. Just’ [4]

Cinquè document: notes a peu de pàgina que parla de ’S. Yuste’ [5]
“On the 12th November 1556 the Emperor arrived at Jarandilla, and took up his abode in the beautiful villa of the Count of Oropesa, from which he had a view of the monastery of S. Yuste, but he did not establish himself there until the 3rd of February 1557. (See Mignet, pp. 158, 199.)

Sisè document: parla de ‘S. Yuste’ [6]
By advices received yesterday from Spain, dated the 22nd December, it is heard that the Emperor had said he should enter the monastery of S. Yuste on Christmas eve, and that his Majesty's bodily health was better than it had been for a long while.

Setè document:  parla de ‘San Giusto’, a prop de Madrid [7]

Tenia un parell de dubtes.’San Giusto', ¿era a prop de Plasencia o a prop de Madrid? Per quina raó apareix S. Just (un nom tan català) a la documentació anglesa?

Vaig enviar un e-mail a En Jordi Bilbeny per tal que m’ho aclarís. Li vaig parlar de la confusió que em provocava el fet que hi hagués un  San Giusto a Plasencia i un San Giusto a  Madrid.

Em va respondre:“No és més confusió. És més claror! Sí, perquè en un text San Yuste és a prop de Madrid i en un altre, al costat de Plasència! El retoc indica que no es tracta del Yuste extremeny. Com podria ser al costat de Madrid, aquest? Som, doncs, en un altre Yuste o San Yuste. O, com et deia abans, San... alguna altra cosa que ha estat substituïda  per Yuste... i ha d'estar a prop d'una gran ciutat, que és la que ve substituïda per Madrid. Barcelona? Badalona?”

Respecte a Sant Just em diu: “Si fos Sant Just, els censors mai no ho haurien deixat intacte. Per tant, hi ha un retoc. Un retoc maldestre. Volent situar-lo a Yuste, però en esborrar-ne el nom anterior, els queda el "san". El "san" de Sant Jeroni.”

Una vegada vaig haver llegit el comentari d’En Bilbeny, se’m va acudir mesurar la distància de Madrid a Yuste: 229 Km, aproximadament. La mateixa distància que hi ha de Barcelona a Montsó, que és de 223 Km. (mesurat amb la guia CAMPSA). Jo mai he sentit dir que Montsó sigui a prop de Barcelona!

Per tant, em sorprèn que en un document històric es digui que San Giusto (entenent que San Giusto és Yuste) sigui a prop de Madrid.

Francesc Garrido Costa

Notes bibliogràfiques:
[1] 'Rome: October 1578', Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2: 1572-1578 (1926), pp. 511-523. URL: Date accessed: 14 January 2010.

[2] 'Venice: September 1556, 16-20', Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 6: 1555-1558 (1877), pp. 620-637. URL: Date accessed: 14 January 2010.

[3] 'Preface', Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 6: 1555-1558 (1877), pp. VII-LXIII. URL: yuste Date accessed: 14 January 2010.

[4] 'Rome: October 1578', Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2: 1572-1578 (1926), pp. 511-523. URL: Date accessed: 14 January 2010.

[5] 'Venice: November 1556, 21-25', Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 6: 1555-1558 (1877), pp. 804-812. URL: Date accessed: 13 January 2010.

[6] 'Venice: January 1557, 1-10', Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 6: 1555-1558 (1877), pp. 893-907. URL: Date accessed: 13 January 2010

[7] 'Venice: September 1556, 16-20', Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 6: 1555-1558 (1877), pp. 620-637. URL: giusto. Date accessed: 20 January 2010.

Autor: Cesc Garrido

Publicat a - Institut Nova Història